These can get very annoying for experienced users. The same applies to the Group Policy 'Do not show Windows tips' which could be used to disable help tips and introductory toast notifications in Windows 10. Now, if the user is running the Home or Pro editions of Windows 10, this option is not available. In Windows 10 version 1511, you could disable it with a simple Registry tweak. As the Lock screen is being gradually merged with the Logon screen, Microsoft has eliminated the option for Pro users to disable it.
After you dismiss the Lock screen, you get the logon screen where you authenticate. When you lock your computer, again you see the Lock screen. It appears before you can pick a user account to sign in. In Windows 10, the Lock Screen displays fancy backgrounds and some useful information like clock, date and notifications.
They are locked down to Enterprise and Education editions only: If you open the Group Policy management console and read the description of certain policy settings in Windows 10 build 14393, you will find out that the options mentioned below are NO LONGER AVAILABLE for Windows 10 Pro users.